Resource Inequality Sensitivity
Class: II - Sexual Selection
EPA Total Score: 49 /100
MacEacheron, M. (2020). Women's marital surname change by bride's age and jurisdiction of residence: A replication. Names, 68(4), 193-209.
Abstract: Hyphenating or keeping premarital surname for all U.S. destination brides marrying in Hawai’i in 2010 was highly, positively correlated with a state-level women’s income measure (r = .78, p < .000) and the analogous statistic for men (r = .64, p < .000), by bride’s state of residence. The women’s measure, only, remained significant when both predictors were used, together, to predict retention/hyphenation (i.e., under regression of both predictors). The interaction of state Gini coefficient and the women’s income measure was positively predictive in a regression including the interaction components as predictors (adjusted-R2 = .66). None of several other predictors suggested by previous research or related to Gini index or income, testable using available, state-level data, were predictive (under regression) alongside the women’s income measure. The older the bride, from any jurisdiction, the more likely she is to hyphenate or keep her sur-name (χ2 for linear trend = 1754.65, p < .000). These analyses comprise a nearly direct replication of previous work, adding novel analyses. Taken together, the original and replicated study may show evidence consistent with a general practice of women taking into account local economic factors, in marital surname decision-making.
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Submitted by mmaceac1
Submitted by mmaceac1
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