Sweet Taste Preference

Class: I - Natural Selection

EPA Total Score: 31 /100

Burton, H., & Benjamin, R. M. (1971). Central projections of the gustatory system. Handbook of Sensory Physiology, 4(2), 148-164.

Abstract: The central gustatory pathways will be discussed in a progression, beginning with the first order terminations in the medulla oblongata, through the second order relay in the thalamus, and to the terminal projections in the cerebral cortex. The analysis of these central projections will be confined to the rat, cat, and primate. In each section consideration is first given to studies related to the localization of the gustatory projections and then, where data is available, to the characteristics of single and multiunit taste responses to adequate stimulation. An attempt has been made to maintain the historical transition of ideas within each section. Finally, some of the particular methodological problems associated with the gustatory system are outlined.


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Submitted by DJGlass

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Supporting Evidence is evidence that suggests that this trait is an Evolved Psychological Adaptation (EPA) - i.e., that it has been shaped by natural selection to solve a particular adaptive problem.

Challenging Evidence

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Submitted by DJGlass

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No one has (yet) rated this source as containing any challenging Hunter-Gatherer evidence for this EPA.

Challenging Evidence is evidence that suggests that this trait is not an EPA - e.g., that it is a product of cultural learning or genetic drift, or maybe it does not exist at all. However over each line of evidence for a description.