Incest Avoidance

Class: IV - Unknown or Disputed

EPA Total Score: 1 /100

McCabe, J. (1983). FBD marriage: Further support for the Westermarck hypothesis of the incest taboo?. American Anthropologist, 85(1), 50-69.

Abstract: In the past decade, several reports, including data from Taiwan on the sim-pua form of marriage, have provided evidence for the Westermarck Hypothesis, a heretofore unpopular explanation of the incest taboo. This theory states that intimate childhood association breeds sexual disinterest. A preliminary study of FBD marriage in Lebanon reveals similar support for Westermarck's theory. The Lebanese patrilateral parallel cousin marriages examined produced significantly fewer children and more divorces than nonpaternal first cousin unions. Given the quite disparate cultures from which this evidence comes, serious reconsideration of Westermarck's Hypothesis is suggested.


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Submitted by DJGlass

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Challenging Evidence

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Submitted by DJGlass

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Submitted by DJGlass

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Challenging Evidence is evidence that suggests that this trait is not an EPA - e.g., that it is a product of cultural learning or genetic drift, or maybe it does not exist at all. However over each line of evidence for a description.