Incest Avoidance


IV - Unknown or Disputed


Neurochem Substrates:



EPA Total Score: 1/100

Theoretical evidence consists of scientific theories from the evolutionary behavioral and biological sciences (or allied fields), discussion of theoretical selection pressures that may have shaped the EPA, and other theoretical arguments without empirical data. Game theory and computer/AI models also count as theoretical evidence. Well-supported EPAs should appear specially designed by evolution to solve specific adaptive problems throughout human history and could not have simply arisen by chance.

Theoretical Subscore: 0/60

Psychological evidence consists of empirical evidence drawn from the human behavioral sciences and consists of data from developmental, behavioral, perceptual, emotional, and cognitive studies, including surveys, experiments, quasi-experiments, and observational data. Well-supported EPAs should show reliable emotional, cognitive, behavioral, or perceptual outcomes under specified conditions.

Wolf, A.P. (1995). Sexual attraction and childhood association: A Chinese brief for Edward Westermarck. Stanford University Press: Stanford.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Aberle, D. F., Bronfenbrenner, U., Hess, E. H., Miller, D. R., Schneider, D. M., & Spuhler, J. N. (1963). The incest taboo and the mating patterns of animals. American Anthropologist, 65(2), 253-265.

Support score: 0 /100

Challenge score: 10 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Bevc, I., & Silverman, I. (1993). Early proximity and intimacy between siblings and incestuous behavior: A test of the Westermarck theory. Ethology and Sociobiology, 14, 171-181.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

McCabe, J. (1983). FBD marriage: Further support for the Westermarck hypothesis of the incest taboo?. American Anthropologist, 85(1), 50-69.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Parker, H., & Parker, S. (1986). Father?daughter sexual abuse: An emerging perspective. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 56(4), 531-549.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Pastner, C. M. (1986). The Westermarck hypothesis and first cousin marriage: the cultural modification of negative sexual imprinting. Journal of Anthropological Research, 573-586.

Support score: 0 /100

Challenge score: 10 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Shepher, J. (1971). Mate selection among second-generation kibbutz adolescents: Incest avoidance and negative imprinting. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1, 293-307.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Thornhill, N. W. (1991). An evolutionary analysis of rules regulating human inbreeding and marriage. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 14, 247-261.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

White, L. A. (1948). The definition and prohibition of incest. American Anthropologist, 50(3), 416-435.

Support score: 0 /100

Challenge score: 10 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Psychological Subscore: 0/60

Medical evidence consists of evidence drawn from clinical data, observations, and case studies from disciplines including medicine, clinical psychology, and neuropsychology. Data on mental health, psychiatric disorders, neurological syndromes, epidemiology, physical health and mortality, and nutrition/exercise are all considered medical evidence.

Adams, M.S., & Neel, J.V. (1967). Children of incest. Pediatrics, 40, 55-62.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Bittles, A.H., & Neel, J.V. (1994). The costs of human inbreeding and their implications for variations at the DNA level. Nature Genetics, 8, 117-121.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Parker, H., & Parker, S. (1986). Father?daughter sexual abuse: An emerging perspective. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 56(4), 531-549.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Schull, W.J. & Neel, J.V. (1965). The effects of inbreeding on Japanese children. New York: Harper and Row.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Seemanova, E. (1971). A study of children of incestuous matings. Human Heredity, 21, 108-128.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Medical Subscore: 15/60

Physiological evidence consists of data pertaining to neuroanatomy, biochemistry, morphology, and other studies of human physiology or brain–behavior relationships. Physiological evidence supportive of EPAs includes neural structures, pathways, neurotransmitters, and so on.

There is currently no submitted Physiological evidence to support or challenge the existence of this EPA.

Curators can click here to add some.

Physiological Subscore: 0/60

Cross-cultural evidence consists of anthropological and ethnological data, psychological studies on human universals, and other evidence that compares or contrasts the EPA across different human cultures. Well-supported EPAs should be observable across cultures or vary predictably across cultures based on systematic differences consistent with theory.

Wolf, A.P. (1995). Sexual attraction and childhood association: A Chinese brief for Edward Westermarck. Stanford University Press: Stanford.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Aberle, D. F., Bronfenbrenner, U., Hess, E. H., Miller, D. R., Schneider, D. M., & Spuhler, J. N. (1963). The incest taboo and the mating patterns of animals. American Anthropologist, 65(2), 253-265.

Support score: 0 /100

Challenge score: 10 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Fox, R. (1980) The red lamp of incest. New York: Dutton.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

McCabe, J. (1983). FBD marriage: Further support for the Westermarck hypothesis of the incest taboo?. American Anthropologist, 85(1), 50-69.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Pastner, C. M. (1986). The Westermarck hypothesis and first cousin marriage: the cultural modification of negative sexual imprinting. Journal of Anthropological Research, 573-586.

Support score: 15 /100

Challenge score: 15 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Shepher, J. (1971). Mate selection among second-generation kibbutz adolescents: Incest avoidance and negative imprinting. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1, 293-307.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Shepher, J. (1983). Incest: A biosocial view. Academic Press: New York.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Thornhill, N. W. (1991). An evolutionary analysis of rules regulating human inbreeding and marriage. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 14, 247-261.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

White, L. A. (1948). The definition and prohibition of incest. American Anthropologist, 50(3), 416-435.

Support score: 0 /100

Challenge score: 10 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Wolf, A. P., and Huang, C. (1980). Marriage and adoption in China, 1845-1945. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

Support score: 10 /100

Challenge score: 0 /100

Submitted by: DJGlass

Cross-Cultural Subscore: 0/60

Genetic evidence consists of data from behavioral/population genetics, molecular genetics, gene mapping studies, gene manipulation studies, and so on. Well-supported EPAs may show a genetic basis.

There is currently no submitted Genetic evidence to support or challenge the existence of this EPA.

Curators can click here to add some.

Genetic Subscore: 0/60

Phylogenetic evidence consists of comparative data from nonhuman species, both in the lab and in nature. Data from paleontology, cladistics, ethology, and comparative psychology are all phylogenetic evidence, especially if they show “related” traits in nonhuman species.

There is currently no submitted Phylogenetic evidence to support or challenge the existence of this EPA.

Curators can click here to add some.

Phylogenetic Subscore: 0/60

Hunter–gatherer evidence consists of data on prehistoric, historical, or extant hunter–gatherer cultures. Evidence that hunter–gatherers shared the trait with industrialized contemporary humans is supportive of the EPA, while evidence that the trait is/was not present in hunter–gatherer societies challenges the status of the trait as an EPA.

There is currently no submitted Hunter-Gatherer evidence to support or challenge the existence of this EPA.

Curators can click here to add some.

Hunter-Gatherer Subscore: 0/60